How I Grew My "Boring" TikTok to 52K Followers and 4M Views in Just a Month

    4 min read
    tiktokgrowthediting videosb rollscaptionsAI captionsAI editing
    TikTok Growth

    Hey everyone! I wanted to share what’s working for me in growing my "Boring" TikTok account. I’m not a TikTok expert by any means, but I’ve seen some growth, so I think my experience will be helpful to solopreneurs/entrepreneurs like me.

    A Little Background

    In May, I launched a TikTok account to tell the world about how AI is revolutionizing software engineering (I'm a software engineer by trade). Within a month, I gained over 50k followers and my TikToks now total 4m views.

    My content mainly focuses on the impact of AI on new grad engineering jobs, which resonates with the younger crowd on TikTok just coming into the workforce. This growth is in spite of the fact that my videos are mostly talking videos (boring videos) - ones where it's me talking in front of my camera for 30 seconds. My expectation going into this was that only memes and dance TikToks get views but I was totally wrong.

    My Account

  1. 52k followers
  2. 300k+ likes
  3. 4m views
  4. 2 videos with 1M+ views
  5. My Tips for Nailing TikTok

    Nail the Hook

    The first 3 seconds are honestly everything - I learned this the hard way. In my first few videos, it would take me 10-15 seconds to get to the point. Grab attention immediately by addressing something relatable or thought-provoking. For example, one of my most successful hooks was, "Wonder why so many new grad engineering roles are disappearing? Let’s talk about it.”

    Copy Others

    If a video you come across performs well, create more content around that topic, reuse successful elements, and consider turning it into a series. There's no shame in copying others! If you see a TikTok that works, copy the topic and make it fit your style!

    Shares Matter

    Your content must be shareable. People should want to hit the share button and send it to their friends. This is a HUGE driver of virality. If you're having trouble making your content shareable, give GPT a copy of your transcript and ask it to adjust the transcript to make stand out on TikTok and shareworthy! I do it all the time.

    Strong Call To Action

    End your videos with a clear call to action, like “Follow for more insights on tech and engineering.” Following someone is a high intent signal that TikTok uses to determine whether to show your post on the FYP or not. This is CRUCIAL! Don't forget it.

    Be Analytical

    Look at your metrics frequently. See a video that has high retention and view time but low views? Double down on it! High retention and view time is a great signal of content that is working. Pro tip: At my real job, we use these kinds of signals all the time to make a judgement on whether our business is going in the right direction or not - trust me it works!

    Visually Appealing Captions

    Captions are not just about accessibility; they can enhance your video’s overall aesthetic and give it a professional look. Use bold, clear, and legible fonts. This makes your content more engaging and helps keep viewers' attention.

    Background Music to Set the Tone

    Choose background music that fits the mood of your video and draws viewers in. This is SO important for talking videos. Nobody wants to sit there and listen to you talk for 30 seconds - give them a little variety. A good soundtrack can complement your message and make your content more immersive. Just be sure the music doesn’t overpower your voice.

    Ensure Decent Lighting

    You don’t need fancy gear — just good lighting and a decent camera. I use my iPhone 12 Pro, but shaky or poorly lit videos will cause viewers to swipe away instantly.

    Add Zoom-in Moments

    Emphasize key points by incorporating zoom-in effects during critical parts of your video. This is another element that is CRITICAL in holding people's attention during talking videos. It draws attention to important information and adds a dynamic element to your video.

    Engage Your Audience

    Respond to comments, make video replies, and listen to your audience’s feedback. Building a community around your content is key.

    Add B-Rolls and Pop-Up Graphics

    To keep viewers engaged, mix in b-rolls and pop-up graphics. Again, talking videos NEED these. It's hard to keep people's attention - give them a little visual variety. Whether it’s a quick cutaway to relevant footage or a graphic that emphasizes a key point, these touches make your video more dynamic.

    Post Frequently

    Aim for at least once a day, with 5x per week as the minimum. I do 2x a day. Anyone who has told you that posting at a specific time will yield more views is just plain wrong (in my opinion). I've posted at 8am, 12pm, 3am and it has made no statistical difference in my view count.

    My stack for making TikToks:


  6. ChatGPT
  7. Comments section in TikTok
  8. Q&A on IG
  9. Watching other TikToks
  10. Captions/Visual effects/Graphics:

  12. Premiere Pro
  13. B-Rolls & Pop-Up Graphics:

  14. Usually my own but occasionally Google search or Pexels
  15. Scheduling posts:

  16. Hootsuite
  17. At the end of the day, your content is king! Make great content and people will watch it. Good luck with your TikTok!